Latest Past Events

Grant Workshop for the National Institute of Health: Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship

GC Science Center - 4102

This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and preparing a proposal to the National Institute of Health - NRSA Individual Fellowship Program (F-31). This workshop is open to Graduate Center students of all disciplines funded by NIH.   Please RSVP to the Graduate Center Office of Research and Sponsored Programs - [email protected]... Read more »

Grant Workshop for NSF Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship

GC Science Center - 4102

This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and writing a competitive proposal to the National Science Foundation - Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Program.  This workshop targets Graduate Center students applying for the Winter 2017 deadlines in all disciplines funded by NSF. Please RSVP to the Graduate Center Office of Research and Sponsored Programs... Read more »

Grant Workshop for the National Institute of Health: Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowship

GC Science Center - 4102

This workshop will provide helpful tips on the application process and preparing a proposal to the National Institute of Health - NRSA Individual Fellowship Program (F-31).  This workshop is open to Graduate Center students of all disciplines funded by NIH. Please RSVP to the Graduate Center Office of Research and Sponsored Programs - [email protected] Seating is limited, so priority will be... Read more »